Launch Your StartupAt Lightning Speed 🚀

With our Next.js 14 boilerplate, bring your ideas to life faster, streamline your development, and reach revenue swiftly. Because every second in the startup world counts.

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Stop Wasting Time.

Spent endless hours on authentication, payment processing, and user interface for your SaaS, yet facing an empty user base? Unlock the full potential of rapid development with our advanced Next.js Boilerplate.

- 10 Hours

Configuring Stripe and Webhooks.

- 5 Hours

Authenticating Users.

- 4 Hours

Writing SQL queries.

- 11 Hours

Designing the User Interface.

Don't let complexity kill your SaaS dream. Make the smart move with our Next.js Boilerplate and turn your vision into reality, starting today.

What's Included?

Everything needed to launch your next startup, and much more

NextJS 14

The most up to date and powerful web development framework. Configured and ready to run.

User Authentication

Clerk authentication comes pre-configured as standard in the FasterSaas boilerplate.

Stripe Subscriptions

Pre-configured stripe api and webhooks come as standard in our boilerplate, complete to allow you to start receiving subscription payments, within minutes of purchasing the boilerplate.

Prisma ORM

Craft your database queries effortlessly with prisma client.

Multiple DB Options

MySQL, PostegreSQL, MongoDB? It's your choice, choose your favourite DB provider and start shipping your next product.

Tailwind CSS

No more messy css, build effortlessly beautiful applications with tailwind css.

Simple Vercel Deployments

NextJS allows for super fast and simple Deployments to vercel.

Shadcn UI Components

The best component library, for beautiful reusable components throughout your application.

Content Management System

We provide ContentLayer built in to allow for blog posting to your site. Simply add great content and improve your SEO.

Coming Soon




over 50% off for the first 5 customers

What's included:

  • Next.js 14.
  • Tailwind CSS.
  • Clerk Authentication.
  • Prisma ORM.
  • Shadcn UI.
  • Multiple DB options.
  • Typescript.
  • Lifetime updates.
  • 30 minute onboarding call to get you started.

Frequently Asked Questions